Saturday, September 20, 2008

ABC News: Obama's Exclusive Interview With 'GMA'

ABC News: Obama's Exclusive Interview With 'GMA'
(Click the links for the video of the quotes.)

Part of the fun of this election cycle is having two candidates who are guaranteed to say something stupid almost every day. Yes, I'm talking about Joe Biden (who's on a Hall of Fame pace right now) and the Great Orator, Barack Obama. Honestly, some of Barack's gaffes have been Hall of Fame material too. My favorite is still on Memorial Day when he said, "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong." Apparently, he sees dead people. . .all the time. This week, he made another one on national television with Chris Cuomo. Cuomo (to his credit) was challenging Obama about all the negative ads his campaign was putting out. Those are a bunch of gaffes on their own. Obama, speaking now from his high horse, said, "If we're going to ask questions about, you know, who has been promulgating negative ads that are completely unrelated to the issues at hand, I think I win that contest pretty handily." ABC was quick to point out (although Obama didn't apparently realize his "mistake") that he "apparently" meant that John McCain was putting out more negative ads than he was. I guess we're supposed to miraculously know what he means when he says the opposite. So I guess when he says he's only going to raise taxes on the upper 1% of taxpayers he "means" grab your wallets and hold on tight, it's going to be a bumpy night! Or when he says he's going to hold Wall Street's feet to the fire, he actually means he's going to threaten them with government sanctions until they've donated enough money to get him reelected. That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but how can we be sure. It was just a couple of weeks ago he told George Stephanopolous about "my Muslim faith." George, dutifully, was quick to correct him, "You mean your Christian faith. . ." Words mean stuff and Obama is apparently rewriting the dictionary!

Friday, September 19, 2008

AFP: Obama camp hits back at Iraq double-talk claim

AFP: Obama camp hits back at Iraq double-talk claim

Earlier this week, the New York Post reporter "Amir Taheri quoted Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari" as saying that Barack Obama ". . .had secretly urged the Iraqis to postpone a deal to withdraw US troops until after November's election." Obama's camp was quick to deny this. If this were true, Obama would be in big time hot water. Senators who want to be President don't have the power to negotiate with other nations. That's still the job of our current President. Until the waters have receded and the coronation, er, I mean inauguration, in January is complete, Obama is still just a citizen (of the world). Of course, no explanation from the Obama camp would be complete without completely confusing the issue. Here's what Wendy Morigi said after taking the obligatory swipe at John McCain. According to AFP, Ms. Morigi explained that, "In fact, Obama had told the Iraqis that they should not rush through a "Strategic Framework Agreement" governing the future of US forces until after President George W. Bush leaves office." Ahh, come again?!? Didn't she say that Obama DID urge the Iraqis to postpone the deal?!? This is one wacky denial. Not sure they know the meaning of the word. Would love to see the State/Justice Departments get involved. Won't happen though, I wager.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Battle for Congress Suddenly Looks Competitive

Battle for Congress Suddenly Looks Competitive

I've been waiting for this. I've been telling my friends that the Republicans are the ones who are energized and will not only take the White House but the Congress as well. Obama has lost the momentum he should have had out of his convention because he didn't pick the right VP. No one in the Democrat party is excited about Joe Biden. On the other hand, picking Sarah was transformational for McCain. The more they attack her for her lack of experience, the more people will identify with her. We know what her experience is because it is something we can relate to. Obama lacks experience, but his background is nothing we can relate to. And she has MORE experience than him because she's been a mayor and a governor. She has been an agent of change while Obama has not. There is a revolution going on and it is in the Republican party! We are taking back Washington from the do-nothing-but-try-to-hurt-America Dems!! How many times did the Dems try to cut funding for the troops in Iraq, I lost count. Thank God for the Republicans who blocked those votes and now our troops are coming home in victory!!